Do not let sin have power over you…let good have power over sin! When we tune our listening ear to the guidance that the Lord offers, we gain the ability to stand for what is right while [...]
We’ve been on the receiving end of Christ’s gentleness more than we can ever know. How do we pass that on to others in our lives? In our traumatized and untamed, undisciplined souls, [...]
What does it mean to offer forbearance to others? To offer patience, grace and forgiveness, even when we feel under siege? And do we realize that sometimes we are the ones trying and testing the [...]
There are times to take strong stands and we should do so when needed. But as followers of Christ, we should be known above all things as people of peace. We should be known as ones who have been [...]
The Kingdom View on Identity – an examination of Biblical identity and its intent and purpose from God’s standpoint, in contrast to how contemporary society might view different [...]
What does it mean that “God gave”? In what way does that affect the world? In what way does that affect our lives? How do we move beyond understanding this as more than a popular [...]
What is our faith built on…shifting sand or the solid rock of Biblical truth? Do the changing winds of the world’s trends sweep our thinking away from Christ leaving us confused, [...]
Part of being in Christian community is that we see each other. There’s a relationship…people aren’t left alone. They become known. You become known. You become part of a [...]
As a follower of Christ, righteous behavior and the right treatment of others are inseparable. If pursued separately, they go off course into either revenge or platitudes. What is one area of [...]
Where do you turn when all else falls away? Where are your eyes focused in both good times and bad? What is your faith grounded in? There are songs in the faith of profound encouragement, of [...]
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