Jesus Freaks

The Scripture tells us that there’s literally nothing new under the sun. Governments rise and fall, societies experience chaos, trends sweep in and out the door just as fast. There have [...]


This scripture, more than any other, is too often misused to claim that Jesus taught not to judge at all. Ever. But nothing could be further from the truth! What Jesus actually teaches is that we [...]

Handle With Care

How do we correctly handle the Word of God? How do we apply it to our lives with integrity and wisdom? How do we avoid the pitfall of misapplying scripture, picking and choosing verses that [...]

The Allegiance

What is your allegiance? What do you identify with the most? What shapes you and what do you present to the watching world? What would happen if we set aside all other identities – [...]

The Victory

Christ died for you and for me. He proved beyond a shadow of a doubt in his victory over death that he truly was the Son of God! Even skeptics and scoffers have, for millennia, time and time [...]