Title: Lord Have Mercy
Series: More Than A Song
Author: Randy Tomko

Kyrie eleison…Lord have mercy.

The central theme of our faith.

As a follower of Christ, with this knowledge at the forefront, it is impossible to be arrogant or boastful, angry or violent…because we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are just as in need of God’s mercy and grace.

With the knowledge at the forefront, it is impossible to be arrogant and boastful, angry or violent…instead we revel in that mercy and can’t help but extend it to others.

18 “Come now, let us reason[a] together, says the Lord:
though your sins are like scarlet,
    they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red like crimson,
    they shall become like wool.

Isaiah 1:18 (ESV)