Title: Summertime Fun

Dear Parents,

I love summertime. The weather is warm, kids are outside playing and people just seem to be a little nicer.

As a kid, I couldn’t wait for summer. No more school. No more homework. Maybe a vacation. Play outside all day long! Those were the days.

As parents, summer means something a little different. Summertime brings a lot of questions. If you are working, you might be asking, “Who is going to watch my kids? How can I change my schedule so my kids aren’t left alone? How can they destroy a house in eight hours? Why don’t kids go to school all year long?”

If you are at home, you might be asking very different questions. “What am I going to do with these kids? Another sleepover? When does school start again? How many times can one child say, ‘Watch me, mommy. Watch me!’?”

Summer can sometimes be burdensome, but it doesn’t have to be. When our kids were little, and I would get frustrated or my wife would get frustrated, I tried to remember what summer was like as a kid. We had the freedom and the ability to do things that we never got to do while school was in session. Many times, that turned my feelings of frustration to jealousy.

Why don’t I get a summer vacation?

It would also help remind me of all the extra time I get to spend with my kids. This is a great time to teach, disciple, build relationships, and have fun as a family. It is a good time to fill up that family love tank. After all, summer doesn’t last very long and before you know it, September will be here.

Here is a downloadable Summer Bucket List with a few good ideas for spending time with your kids and having a little fun. Hope you have a great summer!

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17 (NIV)

Your partner in ministry,

Jeff Brown

Family Life Pastor


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