Title: Christmas Series | Mary’s Obedience
Christmas is a great time for teaching. The season provides many opportunities for parents to pass down their faith. We don’t always think about using the story of the Birth of Jesus as a teaching tool, yet it has so many applications to teach our kids. In Base Camp, we focus on Loving God, Loving Others, and Sharing the Gospel. Those things aren’t always easy, but God asks us to do them.
Mary’s Obedience
Imagine this…Mary is engaged to be married and excited to begin this new life of being a wife and a mom someday. All of a sudden, her life completely changes because God unveils a very unique plan for her.
God asked her to do something supremely important…to carry His Son into the world. She could have said no. After all, she was going to be doubted, looked down upon, lose her reputation, and might even lose the man she was engaged to be married to. She chose God’s will over all of that. Once the angel explained to her what would be expected, her response was simple…
“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.”
God’s will came before her comfort.
God’s will came before her reputation.
God’s will came before her relationship with Joseph.
God’s will came before her personal desires.
He doesn’t ask all of us to be obedient like He did with Mary, but He does ask us to be obedient and to put His ways above our ways and His thoughts above our thoughts. He wants us to love and trust Him.
How does this turn into a lesson for my kids? Next time your kids are struggling with being obedient and trusting God, remember the story of Mary and everything she sacrificed in order to fulfill God’s plan.
Your partner in ministry,
Family Life Pastor