The Sacrifice

Our sin is so bloody, so dark, that it only leads to death. But we have a God whose grace is so great, that through the sacrifice of his only son Jesus Christ, he calls us to LIFE! He calls us [...]

The Covenant

As a follower of Christ, you are invited to take part in a great feast. It’s a celebration of a covenant, one between Christ and each one of us. A covenant that is likened to that of a [...]

The Invitation

To be a follower of Christ is to accept an invitation from him to stop rebelling and to become part of the Kingdom of God – a movement that has and continues to transform the world. It is [...]

The Kingdom

The Kingdom of God transcends all manmade barriers of nationality, race, background, status, affinity group, political alliance and more. And above all else, recognizing the Kingdom of God is a [...]